Step into The Land of Aikido
文部科学省スポーツ庁武道ツーリズム合気道ツーリズム「Step into The Land of Aikido」」
Copyright © 2023 TABIKYO JAPAN Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Director/Cinematographer : Tatsuya Watanabe
AC : Sou Yoshihara
Lighting : Shoki Kurooka
Animation : Kaisei Tanaka

Behind every martial art, there is a story. Where we must face ourselves to find out more. “The beautiful form of heaven and earth is a manifestation of a single family created by the gods. Everything in heaven and earth breathes, and that breath is the thread that ties all creation together. The country of Japan is a kingdom of the spirit. Aikido is the principle and the path which joins humanity with the universal consciousness. ” Voice: Founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba Along an ancient Japanese pilgrimage, a journey into the heart of Aikido is about to begin. Where the mysteries of the land echo in the forest air, and where new horizons and chance encounters are waiting to be experienced. you’ll take in some breathtaking mountains locations, and the warmth of locals, will lead to some truly unforgettable memories. Immerse in the foundational techniques of one of the world’s most popular marital arts, observe demonstrations by master Aikido practitioners. In Aikido there are no winners or losers. You might just come away with a completely new way of seeing the world. Keep the spirit of Aikido alive for generations to come. Will you take the journey?
合気道は開祖・植芝盛平翁が日本伝統武術の研鑽を重ね、さらに厳しい精神的修養を経て 創始した現代武道です。現在約140の国と地域で広まり、日本のみならず世界中に多くの愛好家がいます。合気道では、年齢、性別などを超え、共に稽古を重ねます。合気道は優劣を競わず、稽古の中でお互いに技を掛け合いながら心身の錬成を図ります。